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Email template library: 25+ business email templates and outlines

Email template library: 25+ business email templates and outlines

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Email is a crucial aspect of business communication. However, composing emails can be time-consuming, especially if you find yourself writing similar messages over and over again. 

We are excited to introduce our new email template library for business outreach emails to help you save time and write compelling emails. 

With email templates, you can save time by reusing pre-written messages, which you can modify with variables and personalization to fit the specific needs of each situation. Our library includes a diverse collection of templates, such as cold sales outreach emails, real estate emails, non-profit emails, and many more.

<a href="#25-email-outreach-templates" class="anchor-link">25+ email outreach templates</a>

  • <a href="#sales-and-business-development-templates" class="anchor-link">Sales and business development email templates</a>
  • <a href="#real-estate-templates" class="anchor-link">Real estate email templates and outlines</a>
  • <a href="#customer-support-templates" class="anchor-link">Customer support email templates</a>
  • <a href="#nonprofit-templates" class="anchor-link">Email templates for nonprofit organizations</a>

<a href="#best-practices-email-templates" class="anchor-link">Best practices for using email templates</a>

  • <a href="#customize-email-templates" class="anchor-link">Customize email templates for your audience</a>
  • <a href="#ab-testing-email-templates" class="anchor-link">A/B testing email templates and subject lines</a>
  • <a href="#keep-email-templates-up-to-date" class="anchor-link">Keep email templates up to date</a>

<a href="#templates-you-want-to-use" class="anchor-link">Templates you want to use</a>

Email Template library in Notion

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25 + email outreach templates

Our template library has over 25 (and counting!) business email templates to help you with various types of email outreach.

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Sales and business development email templates

Sales and business development email templates will help you perform cold outreach, ask for introductions to decision makers, and more. Each template leverages a tried and true method for catching your lead’s attention and getting a response. 

Be sure to customize your templates and test each method on segments of your audience to see what works. You can try A/B testing with a mail merge tool in Gmail to find which messages get the highest open, response, and click-through rates.

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Real estate email templates and outlines

Email marketing for real estate agents focuses on building long-term client relationships. This can include useful updates and information, as well as playing the long game by providing value and staying top of mind for your clients. 

Our real estate email templates include everything from welcoming new clients to asking for referrals to sending value-packed newsletters.

If you’re new to real estate email marketing or want to revisit your email marketing efforts, make sure you’ve conducted some audience research and considered your client’s journey before blasting off your emails.

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Customer support email templates

Effective email templates help customer support teams improve their results and customer satisfaction by increasing response time. However, that doesn’t mean everybody gets a copy and paste canned response - a good template will still let your team offer a personalized interaction.

Our customer support email templates will help you streamline your first responses, explain solutions to common problems, update customers on ongoing issues, and more. 

Your collection of customer support email templates will grow along with your team and business - make sure you understand how to create great customer support email templates on your own and manage your team’s templates

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Email templates for nonprofit organizations

Nonprofits rely on email outreach in a different way than for-profit businesses. Communication often revolves around fundraising, donor management, newsletters, and progress updates. 

Since nonprofit organizations are often looking to stretch their resources and budgets, email marketing can be a great way to reach increasingly more donors at a low cost. These email templates for nonprofit organizations will help you create compelling messages that support your mission.

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Best practices for using email templates

Using email templates can be a great way to save time and improve your business communication. However, to get the most out of your email templates, there are a few best practices to keep in mind.

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Customize email templates for your audience

It's essential to customize email templates for your specific audience and use case. 

While our templates are designed to be professional and engaging, they are just a starting point. You should tailor each email to fit your unique voice and the needs of your audience. 

Some ways to customize your email templates are to: 

  • Fill in variables. with names, business names, and information you find while researching your contacts.
  • Include specific data. For example, reference a recent industry report that highlights a problem your audience might be facing. This demonstrates that you understand their needs and can offer solutions that are relevant to them.
  • Customize the voice and tone. You may need to edit the template to more closely match your brand’s marketing language and content style guide if you have one. 
  • Use the best call to action (CTA) for your business. Whether it's signing up for a free trial, scheduling a demo, or making a purchase, your email should include a clear and compelling CTA that's relevant to your use case and audience.
  • Add visual elements. You may try sending an email in plaintext or using HTML with more images and visual elements. 

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A/B test email templates and subject lines

Another tip is to try A/B testing to see what works best. 

To set up an A/B test for your email outreach, create two or more variations of an email template or subject line and send each version to a small group of your audience. Each version should go to the same number of recipients so you can accurately compare the data. 

Make sure you isolate one specific variable to test, like a subject line, call to action, or content formatting. Once you send your test to a smaller percentage of your email list, determine which email is more successful based on your campaign goals and email KPIs. For example, you could measure: 

  • Open rates to see which subject lines are drawing the most interest
  • Click-through rates to see which copy or call to action is the most compelling
  • Conversion rates to see which emails have the best return on investment
  • Engagement to see which emails will help you build relationships with your audience

Based on the results, choose the winning template and use it for the rest of your email outreach. Once you have a winner, you can set up another A/B test to improve a different element of your email or to continue optimizing the same one.

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Keep your email templates up to date

Keeping your email templates up-to-date and relevant will make sure you have the best chance of success with your email outreach. 

Make sure to review and update your templates periodically to reflect any changes in your business or industry. Some things to consider updating after using an email template for a while include: 

  • Links to book calls, view content, or visit a website
  • Details about your product, service, or pricing that may have changed
  • Old data or references with more up-to-date information
  • Try new subject lines or copy to improve your results
  • Copy and content based on responses or feedback from recipients

Remember that email templates are a tool to help you start conversations and communicate more effectively. They should not replace personalization or genuine engagement with your audience. It’s best to use email templates as a starting point and add your own unique voice and touch to make your emails more personal and engaging.

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What templates would you like to use?

Our template library is a living document. We’ll continually add templates that we find useful at Streak, and that our customers utilize in their own workflows. 

If there are specific templates you’d like to learn more about or use, please let us know!

We look forward to hearing from you!

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