Sales management: Definition, tools, and best practices for sales optimization
Want to enhance your sales management processes? Look no further than these best practices and top tools for effective sales management.
The Streak team is working top to bottom to refresh your entire Pipeline experience. To get work done, you need the rights tools at your disposal. We recently updated Themes to make your Pipelines more visually clear (and beautiful!). Now we’re launching a clean new design for the Pipeline actions you use everyday, like Filtering or add new Boxes. The refresh simplifies the number of options you see to the tools relevant to the specific work you’re doing.
You’ll notice the simplified new design immediately on opening a Pipeline. Instead of nine different options across the top, we now only offer the four actions you use most: Refresh, Filter, Share, and Add. Everything else is available via the overflow menu:
The ‘Pipeline Settings’ option will take you directly to the Themes Manager. In the future, Pipeline Settings will be your home for integrations, automations, and more (…sneak peek to how we’ll keep making Streak better and better).
We’ve also taught the ‘+’ button the new trick of creating Stages, Boxes, or Columns:
As soon as you select one or more boxes, we offer easy access to change their Stage, send a Mail Merge, or delete them. We took your feedback, too, and now automatically deselect the box(es) after Stage change:
Pro tip: (see all open Tasks/Follow Ups via Upcoming)
Together the upgraded Stage Themes and Pipeline Toolbar make it easier to understand and take action on your Pipeline so you can keep your Boxes moving forward.
Next up in our refresh project we’ll be working on the spreadsheet itself — stay tuned! Good and beautiful things ahead.
Editors Note: Special thanks to Becca S. for creating the new Pipeline Toolbar. Her favorite action in the Pipeline is the overflow menu, the unsung hero that does the heavy lifting. Outside of Streak, she adores her new son and her cats (maybe not in that order).
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