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8 Email templates for nonprofit fundraising

8 Email templates for nonprofit fundraising

min read

Nonprofit organizations face unique challenges when it comes to fundraising. Limited resources and the need for constant financial support demand efficient and effective donor engagement strategies. Email communication offers a powerful solution.

To empower nonprofits in their fundraising efforts, we've curated a collection of professionally designed email templates. Tailored to the needs of nonprofits, these templates enable you to deliver impactful messages and build meaningful connections with donors.

Our user-friendly templates, customizable to fit your goals, save time and effort. They cover various fundraising scenarios, from donation requests to sharing impact reports. Additionally, we'll provide tips and best practices for maximizing email campaign effectiveness.

Ready to supercharge your nonprofit email fundraising efforts? 

Let's explore our collection of ready-to-use email templates and empower your nonprofit to make an even greater difference.

<a href="#welcome-email" class="anchor-link">1. Welcome to email list</a>
<a href="#progress-update" class="anchor-link">2. Progress Update</a>
<a href="#donation-individuals" class="anchor-link">3. Donation request - individual donors</a>
<a href="#donation-businesses" class="anchor-link">4. Donation request - businesses</a>
<a href="#share-network" class="anchor-link">5. Spread the word</a>
<a href="#impact-report" class="anchor-link">6. Impact Report</a>
<a href="#thank-you-donation" class="anchor-link">7. Thank for your donation</a>
<a href="#periodic-report" class="anchor-link">8. Annual/periodic Reports</a>

<a href="#successful-campaign" class="anchor-link">Key elements to a successful fundraising campaign</a>

Visit our email template library to find email templates for more business cases.

Nonprofit email templates

These 8 email templates will help you manage your contacts and donor base while you grow your fundraising efforts.

Head over to the email template library to find a copy and paste version of each template. 

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="welcome-email" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Welcome to email list template

These emails are generally one of the donors' first impressions of your organization.

A “thank you for signing up” email is essential to start your relationship on the right foot – it also lets them know they typed in their email correctly.

Here’s a standard “welcome” email:

A standard welcome email template

This email doesn’t have to be complicated. The general formula will be:

  1. Thank and welcome them
  2. Quickly restate your mission and current campaign work
  3. Provide a call-to-action to a page with more information

Short, sweet, and concise.

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="progress-update" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Progress update template

You can use this email to educate your supporters on your mission, activities, and ongoing campaigns.

It’s a good idea to list recent achievements, funds raised, and anything countable or tangible – like “We’ve built X schools.”

A progress update email template

This is a great fundraising email to educate supporters and spur them to become donors – and pre-existing donors will appreciate seeing an update on your activities.

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="donation-individuals" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Donation request to individuals template

Requesting help from your individual supporters is critical in your fundraising campaign, but “critical” doesn’t mean “complicated.”

Here’s a simple template to send to individual donors:

A donation request to individuals email template

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="donation-businesses" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Donation request to businesses template

A donation request to another business will be different from an individual request in a few key ways.

Take a look at our template to request donations from companies:

A donation request to businesses email template

It’s important to talk about other businesses that support you and bring up any charitable work the target company has done in the past. It brings more value and context to your email.

The request for a video call is unique, too. Donations from businesses are larger, and it’s often a good idea to talk personally.

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="share-network" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Ask to share with your network template

Your donors’ friends and family are a wonderful source of support for your organization.

Someone who may never have considered donating might take the leap if a loved one asks them.

Let’s take a look at what that template would look like:

An email template for sharing and spreading the word with your network asking support for donors

When your supporters tell family and friends and share your donation link via social media, it extends your message through channels you may never have reached otherwise.

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="impact-report" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Impact report email template

Showing the impact a donor has on your project is essential.

One survey showed that the top two factors that encouraged people to donate to nonprofits are transparency about what donations are spent on and learning about a nonprofit’s impact.

This email aims to accomplish both.

Here’s a quick example:

An example of impact report email template

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="thank-you-donation" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Thank you for your donation template

After someone donates, sending a follow-up “thank you” is critical.

You want to show gratitude for every donation – no matter the size.

Here’s an example “thank you” email template:

An email template for thanking donors

This type of email makes the donor feel valued and like they’re making a difference. It also lets them know you successfully received their donation.

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="periodic-report" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Monthly/quarterly/yearly impact report email template

This email’s purpose is to relay key insights from your impact report, then provide a link to the report itself.

This helps create transparency on your mission’s progress and report key achievements.

Here’s what that email might look like:

A monthly/quarterly/yearly impact report email template

<div class="anchor-wrapper"><div id="successful-campaign" class="anchor-target"></div></div>

Key elements to launch a successful email fundraising campaign

An email fundraising campaign is a powerful tool for non-profit organizations to collect donations and cultivate support from their audience. 

These key elements will help ensure your fundraising campaign’s success:

A strong contact database

Building a robust contact database is essential. Maintain an updated list of engaged supporters, donors, and potential donors. Regularly clean and segment your contacts for targeted communication.

Tailor your message for specific donor segments

Tailoring your emails to specific donor segments increases the relevance and impact of your messages. 

Consider factors such as donation history, interests, or engagement level to create personalized content that resonates with each segment. Track these attributes in a CRM to quickly identify who should be included in each donor segment.

A great subject line

The subject line is your email's first impression. Craft a compelling subject line that grabs attention, evokes curiosity, and entices recipients to open your email. Experiment with different approaches and monitor open rates to optimize your subject lines.

A compelling story

Connect emotionally with your audience by sharing a compelling narrative that highlights your organization's impact and the lives it touches. Use storytelling techniques to engage readers and create a sense of urgency around your cause.

A powerful call-to-action

Clearly communicate the desired action you want recipients to take. Whether it's making a donation, attending an event, or sharing your message, a strong call-to-action motivates and guides your supporters towards meaningful involvement.

Leverage email marketing data

Additionally, continuous improvement is crucial for maximizing campaign performance. By tracking key email marketing metrics and analyzing data, you can gain valuable insights. 

Compare different email campaigns, evaluate open and click-through rates, measure conversion rates, and analyze engagement patterns to identify areas for optimization.

Remember, leveraging data to inform your decisions and strategies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your email fundraising campaigns. By monitoring and learning from past performance, you can refine your approach and achieve even greater results in mobilizing support for your non-profit organization.

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